Roof Inspection Checklists

Identify hazards and risks when performing roof work and keep workers safe using a roof inspection checklist on a mobile device.

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Roof Inspection Checklist

This roof inspection checklist can be used by professional roof inspectors to assess whether a roof, ceiling, wall, and other roof features of a client’s property are in good condition. Use this roof inspection checklist template to improve the efficiency of roof inspections and provide roof inspection reports to your clients faster. Further, this roof inspection report template lets you:

  1. conduct roof safety inspections, offline or online;
  2. take and annotate photos through the SafetyCulture platform and produce a professional comprehensive roof inspection report in seconds;
  3. add inspection comments or recommendations;
  4. export the filled-out checklist into a roof inspection checklist PDF, Excel, CSV, or Word report for recordkeeping and turn on auto-share so inspection data is immediately sent to those who need it; and
  5. allow digital sign-offs for faster approval of a roof inspection job.
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Roof inspection checklist

Published 29 July 2024 Article by Jona Tarlengco | 5 min read

What is a Roof Inspection Checklist?

A roof inspection checklist is a tool for workers to spot and record safety hazards during roof work. It’s used to identify risks and ensure they’re addressed with safety controls like safety training and PPE. These checklists, also known as roof safety inspections or forms, are done routinely or as needed—scheduled or prompted by concerns, incidents, or worker reports.

Importance and Benefits

The construction industry in general is already considered one of the most dangerous industries to work in. Roofers, a sub-branch of construction workers, are currently ranked #5 in a recent list of the 25 most dangerous jobs in America. Hence, the importance of roof safety inspections is reinforced to help ensure roofers’ exposure to risks and hazards is minimized or completely eliminated.

However, the benefits of such inspections extend beyond the physical safety and well-being of roof workers. If consistently conducted, the following benefits can also be achieved:

How to Conduct Roof Inspections

Performing basic roof inspections can be summarized into 5 simple steps:

  1. Conduct a visual inspection of the roof surface: Check for visible damages and indications of aging.
  2. Inspect gutters and downspouts: Check for debris and blockages and ensure the downspouts are properly positioned and that there aren’t any cracks or clogs.
  3. Evaluate flashing and seals around penetrations: Check for signs of wear or damage and leaks.
  4. Examine roof interior: Look for water stains, mold, moisture, or other signs of leak.
  5. Document findings and schedule repairs: For a more detailed report, add notes and attach photos during the inspection. Assign and schedule repairs and maintenance if determined necessary.

It’s important to keep in mind that safety should be a priority when inspecting roofs. With this, you must use recommended safety equipment, such as a sturdy ladder and appropriate PPE. Also, exercise caution while walking on the roof surface.

What to Include in a Roof Inspection Checklist

When inspecting your roof, there are several important items you should check to ensure its good condition and identify any potential issues. Here are some key items to include in your roof inspection checklist:

The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) Standards of Practice (SOP) or the manufacturer’s installation guide for roofing systems can be helpful references for inspectors in creating roof inspection checklists.