Basic Fraction Worksheets

Print and use any of the fraction strips, fraction circles, fraction games, and fraction worksheets on this page with your students.

Basic Fraction Worksheets

Basic Fraction Worksheets

Color the circle according to the directions, then write the fractions of the shaded parts. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Tell whether each shape is divided into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths or eighths. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Students will divide rectangles into equal parts and color according to the instructions. 2nd and 3rd Grades

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Students divide circles into equal parts and then color according to the instructions.

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Answer these fraction thinking problems. Students must find different ways to divide shapes, determine which shapes are divided into fractions, and complete the fractions of a set drawings.

2nd through 4th Grades

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This file has 30 task cards that can be used for learning centers, on your whiteboard's document camera, or for small group instruction.

2nd through 4th Grades

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A dozen simple fraction word problems. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Fraction Cut & Glue

Match each fraction with the correct shape in this cut-and-paste activity. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Cut, sort, and glue the fraction pictures on the table. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Students color the shape on their fraction flag according to the key. Then cut out the flags. Teachers can hang the colorful pennants on a string across the classroom.

2nd through 4th Grades

Common Core

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Cut, color, and fold the origami cootie catcher (a.k.a. fortune teller). Then play the game to review basic fractions.

2nd through 4th Grades

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Fractions of Shapes

Tell what fraction of each shape is shaded. 2nd and 3rd Grades

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Fill in the missing numerator or denominator for each fraction. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Use crayons to color fractions of each shape. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Use crayons to color the given fraction of each shape. 2nd and 3rd Grades

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Part 1: Shade each shape to show the fraction given. Part 2: Tell what fraction is shown. Part 3: Divide the square into quarters and shade 3/4.

2nd and 3rd Grades

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Tell what fraction of each shape is shaded. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Equal Parts

Tell whether each shape is divided into halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, or sixths. 2nd and 3rd Grades

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Color only the shapes that are divided into equal parts. 1st and 2nd Grades

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Divide the apples into halves, thirds, quarters, fifths, sixths, and eighths. 2nd and 3rd Grades

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Fraction of a Group

Determine what fraction of the objects are shaded.

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This page has 8 tasks for students to complete. Each one allows them to practice measuring the fraction of a set/group.

3rd through 5th Grades

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Color the given fraction of each group. (example: Color 5/9 of the buttons.)

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Look at the illustrations to answer the "fractions of a set" question. Pictures include shapes, houses, and crayons.

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This worksheet has pictures of cats dogs, birds, and turtles. Answer the fraction questions by looking carefully at the picture.

3rd through 5th Grades

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Color one-half of each shape set. Then tell how many items were colored. Write the amount as a fraction.

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Numerators & Denominators

Use the clues to find the numerators and denominators of each mystery fraction. 3rd and 4th Grades

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Simple worksheet for learning the differences between numerators and denominators. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Fraction Number Bonds

Complete the fraction number bonds. (example: 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 3/4) 2nd through 4th Grades

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Basic Fraction Games

Match the fraction picture card with the fraction number cards in this concentration/memory matching game.

2nd through 4th Grades

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Scoot! is a whole-class, face-paced game in which students move around the classroom, while answering fraction questions. This game includes 30 task cards, teacher instructions, and student answer worksheets.

2nd through 4th Grades

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Your students will love this basic fraction chain reaction game. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Manipulative Fraction Tools

Use these printable fraction strips as a hands-on way to teach the concept of fractions, equivalent fractions, and comparing fractions. (Halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, etc.)

2nd through 4th Grades

Common Core

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Same as above, but these fraction strips are color-coded. Print on card stock and laminate and they'll last for years to come. Great for manipulative fraction learning centers.

2nd through 4th Grades

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Cut out the large-sized manipulative fraction pizzas. 2nd through 4th Grades

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A color version of the large, manipulative fraction pizza manipulatives. 2nd through 4th Grades

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Kids can cut out these circles to help them learn how fractions work 2nd through 4th Grades

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Same as above, but these fraction circles have the fractions written on them. 2nd through 4th Grades

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See Also:

Equivalent fractions; Ordering and comparing fractions; Adding and subtracting fractions; Multiplying and Dividing fractions.

Basic mixed number worksheets; Identify and create mixed numbers.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions with like and unlike denominators; Also includes adding and subtracting mixed numbers.