How to Write an Invitation Letter for Canada Visa?

An invitation letter to Canada is required for a few visa categories, including tourist visas, business visas, and family reunion visas. It will improve the chance of getting a visa. At the same time, it is a necessary part of the requirements for other visas. This blog will explain an invitation letter, the visa applicants who need it, how to write one, FAQs, and samples of invitation letters to Canada.

Table of Contents

What to Include in Your Canada Invitation Letter?

Typically, a letter of invitation Canada sample is from someone in Canada who understands the purpose of your visit and confirms your honesty. If a Canadian citizen or resident sends you an invitation letter, it can simplify your Canada short-stay (Temporary) visa application process.

When writing a Canada visa invitation letter, you must follow certain steps to write an effective invitation letter for a Canada visa. Here are the steps to writing an effective Canada invitation letter:

  1. Provide your complete information, including:
    1. Full name
    2. Date of birth
    3. Contact information (email and phone number)
    4. A valid address in Canada
    5. Residential status as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (Canadian Passport or Canadian citizenship card, birth certificate if born in Canada, or a copy of the Permanent Resident card or the IMM 1000)
    6. Information about their job in Canada
    7. Names and birthdates of dependents and their residing close family members
    8. The total number of individuals living in their household, including individuals they have sponsored and those whose sponsorship is still in progress.
    1. Full name
    2. Date of birth
    3. Present address
    4. Phone number
    5. What the applicant’s purpose in visiting Canada is
    6. Relation between the visa applicant and the host
    7. How long the applicant will stay in Canada
    8. The accommodation and financial means of the guest
    9. The dates the guest will enter and leave Canada

    What Is a Tourist Cover Letter?

    It is a document you include with your visa application to explain your travel plans, such as where you want to go, what you will do, and how long you plan to stay. The letter also shows that you have the means to cover your expenses during the trip and that you have a reason to return home. This letter helps immigration officers understand your intentions and evaluate your application more easily.

    To be clear, a tourist cover letter is NOT an invitation letter.

    Canada Invitation Letter Cost

    If you cannot write an invitation letter, there’s no need to worry. We at Visa Library, offer invitation letter writing services. Choose one of our plans and get your visa-issuance-guaranteed letter.

    We Craft Your Visa Invitation Letter

    Basic Plan Professional Invitation Letter Invitation Letter Writing Comprehensive Guide for Interview Session (Do's, Don'ts) Resume Redesign Complete Document Check SOP Design Delivery Time

    3 Business Days

    Premium Plan Professional Invitation Letter Invitation Letter Writing Comprehensive Guide for Interview Session (Do's, Don'ts) Resume Redesign Complete Document Check SOP Design Delivery Time

    2 Business Days

    In the following sections, we will go through some samples to clarify how to write a letter. You can also download our Invitation Letter Canada PDF and use the examples to your advantage.

    Sample Invitation Letter to Canada for Parents

    A sample letter of invitation to Canada for parents is provided below. You can make the necessary changes, and use it for your “visitor visa for Parents Canada” application.

    To whom it may concern,

    January 5th, 2021

    Re: Letter of invitation for my parents (John Travis and Jannet Travis)

    This is to verify the support I will provide to the Temporary Resident Visitor Visa application of my parents. My father, John Travis (born April 2, 1962, passport number K12345678), and my mother, Jannet Travis (born May 3, 1970, passport number K12345678), live at

    Their home phone number is 123-789-654

    I am an international student studying an MA in English literature at Dalhousie University. I completed my BA studies at McGill University in 2019. I would like to invite my parents to participate in the graduation ceremony, which will be held on July 11, 2022, in Halifax.

    They intend to stay with me for about 3 weeks at my house from July 9 to 31st, 2022.

    They will be booking their flights to leave Germany on July 6, 2022. Accommodation and food expenses will be covered by me totally; however, they will cover the other expenses of the trip on their own.

    You are kindly requested to find the attached copy of your passport and study permit. My date of birth is December 10, 1991. I live at 3446 Huffington Ave West, Halifax, Nova Scotia, M3E 4Z5. My phone number is 702-456-159-357, and my email address is [email protected].

    You are highly appreciated in advance for considering my parents’ temporary resident visa application.

    Thomas Muller Schmit

    Sample Invitation Letter for Your Canada Visitor Visa Application

    This “sample invitation letter for visitor visa Canada” is different from a cover letter for Canada visitor visa sample (or a purpose of travel canada visitor visa sample letter). It allows you to get familiar with a common standard letter to increase the possibility of receiving the visa.

    Below, you can see a “Canada visitor visa invitation letter sample.” Make the necessary changes, and use it for your “letter of invitation for visitor visa” application.

    Canada Tourist Cover Letter Sample #1

    Ontario, July 27, 2020

    To the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, China

    19 Dongzhimen Outer St, Chaoyang, Beijing, China

    +86 10 5139 4000

    Subject: Invitation Letter for Mr. Jin Jin

    My name is Jin Ling, I was born on January 10, 1991, and I am from Toronto. I am a Canadian citizen, and I live in Suite 1450, 220 Laurier Avenue W., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

    My household has no one living with me, and I work for M&Tech, earning C$ 25.000.

    Through this letter, I am inviting Jin Jin, born on August 25, 1995, and currently living at 17 Dongzhimen Outer St, Chaoyang, Beijing, China, to Canada for a short stay. Mr. Jin Jin will be staying in Suite 1450, 220 Laurier Avenue W., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, from July 30, 2020, until November 30, 2020. I am Jin Jin’s brother, and we will be visiting and touring around Canada for two months in different locations.

    Jin Jin currently works as an engineer, earning C$ 3500 with which he will be able to afford the stay in Canada. Jin is a genuine visitor who will not overstay his visa. His work obligations in Beijing R&D have been extended, and Mr. Jin is needed back to work as soon as he returns from Canada.

    You are kindly informed to find the certified copy of my Permanent Residence card and my bank report for the past 6 months.

    You are also requested to contact me should you have any further questions regarding myself or Mr. Jin Jin.

    I look forward to having Mr. Jin Jin visit me in Canada so we can spend time together and visit Canada.

    Suite 1450, 220 Laurier Avenue W., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

    Canada Tourist Cover Letter Sample #2

    The photo below provides another sample of writing an invitation letter for a Canada visa:

    invitation letter for Canada visa

    Canada Super Visa Invitation Letter Sample

    Canada Super Visa allows foreign grandparents and parents to spend extended periods with their grandchildren in Canada. An invitation letter is required for the Super Visa if the parents or grandparents plan to stay longer than six months.

    The following is a Canada super visa invitation letter sample. Using it for your Canada super visa application is easy. You can make the necessary changes, and use it.

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    This is to verify that my grandparents, Mr. Hamza Akbari and Mrs. Ayeza Abbasi, will be visiting me from January 5, 2023, through April 15, 2023, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. They are the residents of Iran, Islamic Republic, and are retired as teachers from the Department of Education.

    My grandfather, Hamza Akbari, was born in Tehran, the capital city of Iran, on February 14, 1953, and my grandmother, Ayeza Abbasi, was born on June 20, 1955, in Isfahan City. They are both Iranian citizens and live at the following address:

    Azadi Avenue 126

    Tehran, the capital city of Iran

    Their phone number is: 0098 32-23-49-23

    They will be staying with me in the city of Halifax until April 15, 2023, when I will take them personally to the Porters Lake Waterdome airport to fly to Iran. They will be visiting to stay with me during the Nowroz, Persian New Year, and my birthday. They will also attend my marriage ceremony which will be held in the local church. They are looking forward to seeing my marriage ceremony as I had lived with them for four years during my Bachelor’s degree. You are kindly informed that we will be visiting our relatives in Vancouver and Toronto on the weekends and paying a visit to other tourist attractions in the country.

    2811 Lower Water St

    Halifax, NS, Canada

    My phone number is:

    My cellphone number is:

    You are kindly informed that I am a translator working for Wise Advertisement in theri business and foreign relation department. I live on my own in a rented apartment on 2811 Lower Water St in Halifax. My name is Ali Akbari, and I am 30 years old. I was born on December 12, 1991 in Isfahan, Iran, and I am a permanent resident of Canada, where I have lived for the past five years.

    As mentioned before, I live on my own, and have only sponsored my parents two years ago. They left Canada on the scheduled date.

    Canada Business Invitation Letter Sample

    You must provide an invitation letter to apply for a Canada business visa, or in some cases Canada work visa, and build business ties with your partner. The Canadian company’s name, contact information, and official letterhead must be used in this letter. Any previous business relations, such as sales, MOUs, and contracts, should be mentioned in the letter if appropriate. Furthermore, the company’s goals for the visit should be explained to the guest.

    The following is a Canada business invitation letter sample for companies and corporations. Use this “business letter format Canada” to apply with more confidence.

    The CEO of Wise Technical Mining Advancement, LLC

    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    Date: 20th May 2022

    Ahmad Najib Ehsan

    Mining Dubai . CO.

    Subject: Letter of business invitation to attend an Exhibition on technological Advancement

    I intend to invite you on behalf of Wise Technical Mining Advancement, LLC, to participate in our exhibition of new technologies in Vancouver on June 13 2022.

    It will be our pleasure to have you as one of our guests and introduce the new technologies and advancements in the mining field as you have always been one of our good clients for a long time. You are nicely requested to visit as early as possible so we can provide the best hotel as early as possible. You are requested to inform us if you are coming or not.

    We hope you honor us with your presence and develop another sale of Mining equipment to the United Arab Emirates. The last contract was beneficial for both companies and the nation.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Martin Jacobs, CEO

    Get the FREE Cheat sheet for

    Invitation Letter for Canada

    Canada Sponsorship Letter

    Family members seeking permanent residency can obtain a Canada Sponsorship Letter from a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. During the sponsored person’s initial settlement in Canada, the sponsor uses a letter of visa sponsorship to commit to providing financial and emotional support. Obtaining this letter proves that the sponsored person will not require social assistance upon arrival for family sponsorship programs, including spouse, common-law partner, parent, and grandparent sponsorships. A letter of sponsorship is not typically needed for student or visitor visas, as it primarily pertains to family reunification cases.

    The following is a letter of sponsorship sample. Make the required modifications before using it.

    December 15, 2021

    220 apartment, İstiklal Avenue, Istanbul, Turkey

    Subject: Sponsorship letter for Erdogan Izmir

    To whom it may concern,

    My name is Ahmad Izmir, currently residing in Istanbul at the mentioned address; and I am a citizen of Turkey.

    This letter is to verify that I, Ahmad Manfred, confirm my sponsorship for Erdogan Izmir, supporting my relationship with the student as the father. Erdogan Izmir will be studying at Sherbrooke University for the duration of four years. He will be visiting Canada for years during a BA program from September 2022 to November 2024.

    You are kindly requested to find the attached list of documents and bank statements as proof of my financial capacity to sponsor my son and support Erdogan Izmir for a minimum of CA$75.000. These funds will replenish and cover his expenses, including food, rent, tuition fees, clothing, transportation, and others.

    You are kindly requested to contact me, for I will gladly extend my help in the best possible manner.

    220 apartment, İstiklal Avenue, Istanbul, Turkey

    Canada Invitation Letter Sample to a Close Friend

    Can a friend sponsor you to Canada? Indeed, friends cannot sponsor you as they can a family member. Still, they may be able to provide a support letter or invitation letter to help you enhance your visa application if you plan to visit Canada for a short time.

    The following is an invitation letter for a Canada visa to a close friend. For visa applications, you can modify, and use it.

    To whom it may concern,

    This is to verify that Kıvanç Ulusoy will be visiting me from May 20, 2023, through September 1, 2023, in Quebec, Canada. Kıvanç is a close friend whom I met four years ago before the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. He hosted me for two weeks in his own house in Istanbul and showed me the whole area. We also visited Germany together the following year. He will be coming to visit me in my home in Quebec city.

    My guest, Kıvanç Ulusoy, was born in Istanbul, Turkey, on August 16, 1989, to an originally Arab father named Adel Yousef and a Turkish mother named Hande Özdemir. He holds an EU passport and lives in Istanbul as a tour guide at the following address:

    His phone number is: 0090- 666-3387-9321

    We will be visiting a Turkish festival being held in Quebec and Kıvanç Ulusoy will have the cancer to introduce the Turkish culture and traditions to the Canadian people. Then, we will enjoy mountain climbing. My friend also will look at the tourism opportunities of Quebec city and consider bringing Turkish to the city as tours.

    69 Saint Louis Street,

    My phone number is:

    I am an English and French teacher working in Quebec school. I won my 2-bedroom home at 69 Saint Louis street,G1R 3Z2, Québec, QC. and live alone there. My name is Charlie Jackson, and I am 35 years old. I was born on April 17, 1983 in Vancouver British Columbia and I am a Canadian citizen.

    As I mentioned, I live alone in my house and have never sponsored anyone.

    Signature (The host’s, not the guest’s)

    letter of invitation canada sample

    Who Needs an Invitation Letter for a Canada Visa?

    You don’t require an invitation letter if you are eligible for a Canada eTA. Who needs an invitation letter to a Canada visa?

    Who Can Write an Invitation Letter for a Canada Visa?

    Who can send me an invitation letter to Canada? These people can:

    Tips for Writing an Invitation Letter for a Canada Visa

    To write a sample letter of invitation to Canada, you need to:

    Can I Apply to Canada Without an Invitation Letter?

    Yes, you can get a visa for Canada without an invitation letter. Invitation letters are sometimes helpful in visa applications but are not always among the Canada visa requirements. Your conditions and the type of visa you are applying for will determine whether you need one. An invitation letter from a Canadian host can enhance your application for visitor visas, such as tourist or business visas. Some visas require specific invitations or sponsorship letters, such as family sponsorship programs.

    Invitation Letter for a Canada Visa Expiration

    After your host writes an invitation letter to Canada sample for you, you need to check it grammatically and present it as a part of your application. However, like most documents, they have an expiration date. If your invitation letter Canada is over two years old, it is considered ancient or antique. You would better renew them and get a new one.

    Do You Have to Notarize the Invitation Letter for a Canada Visa?

    Depending on your nationality, duration of stay, hots’ conditions, and background, the officer might require you to notarize the letter. You will know this during the visa interview. Preparing a notarized one in advance would be better to save time.

    Understanding the Invitation Letter Process for Canada

    In this blog, we explained all the general information you need about the Invitation letter for a Canada visa. We explained why you need an invitation letter for a Canada visa, the groups that need it, how to write one, and the information you should include.

    If you have some experience, please write it in the comment section. Your comments let the readers choose better and avoid mistakes. Conveying your experiences as comments is a great help for applicants.

    Common Questions About Canadian Invitation Letters

    Visa fees and costs vary depending on the type of visa and your circumstances. Current fees can be found on the government’s official website.

    Yes, hosts are required to sign an invitation letter for Canadian visas.

    A visa or entry permit is still required if you are invited to Canada.

    You can send an invitation letter by email, but you will need to submit a physical copy for certain applications.

    If you are a Canadian citizen or resident, you can get an invitation letter from them. During your visit, they should provide details about your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit.

    If an international student is legally allowed to host visitors in Canada, they can write an invitation letter that clarifies the purpose of the visit.

    Visas are legal documents issued by governments allowing entry into a country, while invitation letters invite people to visit. Invitation letters support visa applications, but they are not visas themselves.

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    Kamala says:

    Hi. Your blog comes incredibly in handy. Could you please do a favor by telling me how I can prove my relationship with a sibling?

    support says:

    Thanks for your kind feedback. To prove the applicant’s relationship with the resident in Canada (that would be you), the applicant should submit some documentation. For instance: A birth certificate, An official document that recognizes them as your siblings, and a copy of the inside back cover of your passport in which their name is detailed.

    My cousin wants to travel to Canada, and he asked if I can send him an invitation letter. Now I see it’s not possible. Thanks.

    Tosca says: Can I send an invitation letter to my cousin for a Canada visa? support says: We are afraid the invitation letter only involves immediate family members. Natalia Ianchevska says: Hi, is it required to write an invitation letter to my boy friend? Visalibrary team says:

    Hello there. Thanks for leaving a comment on our website. A person with the following features needs an invitation letter:
    1. The applicant wants to visit Canada for tourism. He/she is not free of Canada short-stay visa.
    2. The visitor is going to apply for a Canada super visa.
    3. The applicant is visiting Canada for business purposes. The visitor is not free of Canada short-stay visa.

    Nazanin says:

    Hi there, I am just wondering if I can send an invitation letter to my siblings and/or my nephew for a visit visa?
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    Visa Library says:

    Dear Nazanin
    You are kindly informed that you can send your siblings an invitation letter and It might be possible to send your nephew one if they are to visit as tourism or visiting you. However, make sure all the details all included in the letter.
    Best regards.

    The sample of the letters you have provided here are very helpful, thank you.

    I want to invite my boyfriend in Canada and I am on study permit. we are in relationship for last five years. Could you please help me in writing a invitation letter for him.

    Visa Library says:

    Dear Aman
    You are kindly informed that the blog will be updated soon and you can use the sample letters to write one yourself.

    J.Harvey says:

    Hi, I would like to send an invitation letter to my friend, how and where to send the letter of applications?

    Visa Library says:

    Dear J.Harvey
    Thank you for asking your question from Visa Library
    You need to write the invitation letter and send a scanned copy to your friend. You can send it through What’s App or Gmail, choices are yours. But the scanned need to have good quality.
    The timing is when your friend applies for the visa and submit all the required supporting documents to the IRCC.
    I hope you received your response.
    Best wishes

    thanks for your blog
    I’m planning to send an invention letter to one of my friends, I was wondering if it is even possible to do this or not. the other problem is that I’m currently a student and I don’t have a job, does it make the worth of the invention letter less or not thanks in advance

    Visa Library says:

    Dear Sir/Madam
    Thank you for your question
    You are kindly informed that you can write an invitation letter for your friend and state that your friend will be staying with you or wants to see you. But you should know that the Canadian authorities are strict about a visitor visa to see a friend and it is not as easy as the visa to visit your relatives.
    Best wishes

    Flora says: Hello , I prepared invitation but do I need to send to noterizu. Visa Library says:

    Dear Flora
    You often do not need to notarize the invitation letter unless the officials in the foreign country the applicant is living might require the letter to be notarized.

    Nadia Siddiqi says:

    Hi for purposes of visiting for an end of life ceremony for my father, Can I (international student in Canada) write an invitation for my husband to visit Canada to get a TRV?
    Also, my sister is a Canadian Citizen, is is better we have an invite letter from her as well?
    Please let me know. Thanks.

    Visa Library says:

    Dear Nadia Siddiqi
    You are kindly informed that you can write the invitation letter and the purpose of visit is strong and it is likely to convince the officer to issue the visa.
    If your sister is working, you can mentioned her in your letter as the financial supporter.


    Hi, For applying for visitor visa to canada for my parents should i include both of there details in one invitation letter or in 2 different letter?

    Visa Library says:

    You can include both your parents in one invitation letter. The sample of the letters provided give an example that both parents are mentioned in one letter.

    Hazel says:

    We are just temporary residents (student & owp) can I invite my parents and my husband’s parents and his siblings to come since I will be giving birth this April 2022? Do I need to show proof of income?

    Visa Library says:

    Dear Hazel
    Thank you for your questions.
    You should know that IRCC has a ton of applications to process and they have become strict over visitor visas. But you can increase your relative’s chance of receiving the visa by an invitation letter. It does not seem necessary that you provide proof of income but indicate the place your relatives will stay with proof and proof of their income.
    The emotional part that involves childbirth could be a good justification to work on to convince the officer to issue the visa.
    Congratulations on your baby.

    Kermel says:

    I need to invite my Fiancée to come and visit me in Canada for a short stay. I’m a permanent resident.
    If you don’t mind, have some questions. First question.
    Which of the following is better?:
    1- To show my bank report only.
    2- To show bank reports for both of us Second question.
    In the section of her employment status, do I have to mention her salary or just her job title would be enough? Third question.
    Can I mention that she will be staying in a hotel or so as we will be visiting more than one place during her stay?

    Visa Library says:

    Dear Kermel
    Thank you for your questions.
    We wish you and your fiance a very good time in Canada.
    The answer to your questions is as follows in order:
    It seems showing the bank report for both of you is better and you prove to the officer the financial capability to cover the expenses and it might convince the officer that your fiance will leave Canada if the salary is high enough. 2.
    As explained, mentioning the salary doesn’t have any harm so you would better mention it. 3.
    You should mention the place she will stay most of the time or the place she sleeps for nights. If she will be staying in the hotel, provide booking proof.
    You can also provide details of the places you visit but in short not details to shorten the letter.
    Good luck and have fun

    Visa Library says:

    Dear Kermel
    We are so sorry if your comment was deleted. You are kindly requested to write it again. Thank you.

    I would like to invite an entertainer to Canada, how do I write a letter for that? Visalibrary-team says:

    Dear Ish
    You can use the sample of the letters provided in the article and include the relevant information of your entertainer. You should also write about the reason you want him/her to visit.
    Good luck.

    adette says:

    hello is it possible that i can invite my grandkids to come visit me in canda ? ages 5 ? how abou5 the mother who will accompany him?

    Visalibrary-team says:

    Dear Adette
    Yes, you can invite your grandkids to visit you in Canada and an invitation letter would help to a great extent so they receive the visa.
    Good luck.

    Rifas says:

    Can I send an invitation letter to my sister and her family (husband and 3 kids) for visit visa for the summer vacation here? How much fund they have to show in the bank to spend here and I will be taking care of their shelter and food. Please advise. Thank you.

    B Rajabali says:

    Dear Rifas
    It is highly recommended that you write an invitation letter to your sister. If not, it is unlikely they will receive a visa to enter Canada. If you provide food and shelter, they would better have enough to cover their expenses for the duration of stay and going back.

    Rifas says:

    Yes, they do have funds that can be used during vacation and back home too. I also send a sponsor letter to them. They are applying online as a family, my sister doesn’t work and brother-in-law is the one working. who should write the cover letter ? or both for their applications they have write two cover letters? Please advise

    B Rajabali says:

    Dear Rifas
    The main applicant (your brother-in-law) can write the cover letter and explain the purpose of visit and the costs

    Hi, can i send an invitation letter to my sister inlaw (brother’s wife) & kids? how do i proof of my relationship with them.

    B Rajabali says: Yes, you an send an invitation letter. A family photo can prove the relationship.

    Hi, can my aunt write me a letter of invitation? But what do I present as proof that we are related? If there is no such thing, can my fiancé write the letter of invitation instead but include in his letter that I will be staying with my aunt? And with that being said, does my aunt have to write a 2nd letter of invitation to support my fiance’s letter regarding the address where I would be staying? Thank you!

    B Rajabali says:

    Yes, your aunt can write the letter. Do you have a photo together? Sometimes it might not be needed to prove the relationship but if you do, it will be better.

    Hi, what if I want to sponsor my brother but I am a US Citizen. Do I need to make a Letter of Invitation?

    Yes, if your brother is a US resident and you want to help him move to Canada, you may need to give him a Letter of Invitation, also called an Invitation Letter. This letter is an important part of the Canadian immigration process, especially if your brother is asking for a Temporary Resident Visa (visitor visa) to come to Canada. You should put the following things in the Letter of Invitation:
    Your full name and contact information.
    Your home address in Canada, if you have one.
    A copy of your US passport and proof that you are a US citizen.
    Information about your bond with your brother, such as his name and how you are related to him.
    The reason for the visit, such as a family get-together, a holiday, or a special event.
    The amount of time your brother plans to stay in Canada.
    Information about your financial situation and how you’ll help your brother while he’s in Canada, including how much money you’ll give him.
    An invitation for your brother to visit you in Canada, including the dates of the visit. If necessary, a promise that you will help your brother with money while he is there.
    Any other information that might help your brother’s visa application, like his ties to his home country and his plans to go back after the trip. It’s important to be clear and honest in your Letter of Invitation, since Canadian immigration officials will read it. Your brother should give a copy of this letter to the visa office when he applies for a visa.